Monday, February 24, 2014

After 8 years!

After 8 years of having you with me, today is the day where I get rid off you. Not to say fully but at least partially... I have finally get my hair cut short.

Teng deng...
My New Hair Style <3
WHAT??? IS that TRUE??

That was how my mom reacted. When I was still in the saloon, she was sitting at the side and asked my sis, "Is there anything happened to her??" "What's wrong with her?" "Is she ok?"

It's kinda unbelievable that I will actually cut my hair that short as I always treat it as my little baby.

I wanted to do this long time ago but I always do not have the courage to do so. Today is the day! 

The head is super light now! =P

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Drama Sharing: The Hippocratic Crush ll

A short post for today. ^^

As some of you may know, I'm a sentimental person and the last few episodes of this drama makes me cry like hell. Before I move on to some sharing or lesson I get from the drama, let me share a short stories of myself. Still remembered that day I went to a Tzu Chi Introduction Night with the theme of filial piety. There were few videos been shared and yea I will not say I cried but my tears did flow out. At that moment, my friend told me that there is no point of getting touched and cried over a video if you do not get the message that it wanted to deliver. It's the action that we take after the learning from the lesson that make a difference. By getting touch with something is just a short moment but by practising it will make change someone's life and your life.

So, what did I learn from this drama? There are a few lessons but one that struck me the most is that we should grab the opportunity to love when there is a chance because you will never know how someone's life will be and how long will someone live. It may not because of sickness or disease but an accident or any uncertainties may happen anytime, anywhere and we shall not regret only when the chance that once appeared in front of you disappeared. This lesson may seems simple to you and you may think that you know about it as well, but how many of us actually hold on to it? Let's think about it. We always worry and look at the end results and then hesitate to take the move, at the end what would we get?? You loss the moment of creating more memories with the time of consideration you had. 

Consideration is needed but don't waste too much time on it because things are always different from what you have pictured.

It's about time again but not timing. It's the time that we have, the moment we got. Communicate with your parents while you are still alive and when they are still alive. Talk to your friends when you still can do so. Show your love when he/she is still there. Appreciate every moment that you have.


Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Love you...

Oh well... I think I'm in love with you, m.................y lovely blog! You are always there to be my rubbish bin to take in all my trash. I know this analogy doesn't sounds romantic but yea, here is where I split out all my thoughts and feelings. So, what do I want to share today?? Love?? Hmm... I guess now is not the time yet. Ahah! Time!!! The topic for today is about timing!!!

What is so special about the topic of the day?? Timing?? The outcome may not be as expected if the timing is not right. Sounds so cliché right? Yet, it is fairly truth isn't it? 

A business opportunity for instance. If smartphone would have launch 10 years back when the economic level isn't that good, do you think the demand for the product will be as good as now? Will it turn up to be a trend? Well, the answer might be yes and might be no.

On the other hand, same goes to a friendship. If I do not walked to Wuen Chuin and talked to her during the orientation week but after our interaction week, do you think we will be as close as now? What if I talked to another girl first?

How about a relationship as my topics recently has been closely related to it? If the confession does not happen when both parties have the same feeling, do you think it will be successful? What if it happen after the feeling of the girl started to fade off when she sees no response from the guy? When if another guy appear at the right timing when the girl started to give up waiting for the other relationship?

The world is full with uncertainties. How do you know when is the right timing? What I can say is when you see no hesitation to do so. Nike - Just Do It! Stop thinking and act now.

Now, let's get back to the story about yourself. Have you ever miss the timing and everything just when chaotic? Feel free to share your thoughts.

A quote for me:
"I believe when you meet the right person it clicks, and you both know and you start making it work, you know?"
- Hunter Hayes

A quote for you:
"You cannot afford to wait for perfect conditions. Goal setting is often a matter of balancing timing against available resources. Opportunities are easily lost while waiting for perfect conditions."
- Gary Ryan Blair