Hey, long time didn't update my blog. Miss here so much. =)
For the post today, i just wanna remind everyone who is reading my blog that today (31/12/2009) is the deadline for the application to IPTA. For those who haven't submit your application form. Please do so now. Click this link (http://upu.mohe.gov.my/) and enter all the information required and submit it. Do remember to print it out as a copy.
Yesterday night, my uncle (my dad's 2nd brother) called me. He was so nice. When i received his voice mail, i was so shocked that why does he called me? However, I replied his called. He remind me that the closing date for the application to IPTA is tomorrow. Although i ad submit my form on 17 Dec but thanks him anyway. He is so sweet and nice, isn't it? He is my only uncle who ask her daughter to tell me all the way to apply scholarships as he knew without any scholarship, i might not be able to continue my study. Will there be anyone who will care about their niece? There might be but it's so rare for it to happen as the people nowadays is getting more selfish. When he saw any scholarship application on the newspaper, he'll inform me too. At here, I would like to say thank you to him.